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Flowering Pear Trees of Spring in Southern Oregon

Explore the most recent pictures taken from our beautiful fields in Southern Oregon.

Harry and David

Mar 30, 2023

Southern Oregon offers some of the most inviting weather all year long, but spring is a truly special time of year. Some of our most popular gift baskets and gourmet towers are filled with delicious fruit grown in our own Southern Oregon orchards, but before there is fruit, there is always a flower. As the pears blossom, flowers bloom in groves. Recently, we asked our expert photographers to capture the magical scene that occurs each spring and the beauty of our flowering pear trees. It could easily be argued that the photography is as beautiful as the fruit is delicious.

Flowering Pear Trees   Images   Harry & David
Pear blossoms basking in the Southern Oregon sun.

Spring brings so much beauty to this part of the world. What is spring like where you live?

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