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Passover Dessert: Chocolate-Matzo Layer Cake

Thou shalt enjoy only the best sweets at the seder.

Lauren Grier

Mar 24, 2023

Chocolate-Matzo Layer Cake
Chocolate-Matzo Layer Cake
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PREP TIME: 30 minutesCOOK TIME: 5 minutesCUSTOM TIME : 12 hours TOTAL TIME: 12 hours 35 minutes
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  • 1 medium saucepan
  • 1 large glass bowl
  • Hand mixer
  • 2 9x13 inch sheet pans



  • In a medium saucepan, combine the chopped truffles and 1¼ cups heavy whipping cream. Stir chocolate and cream over medium heat until combined, about 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Reserve about 1 cup of the chocolate mixture for the frosting.
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  • Brew the coffee to your preference. A darker brew will result in a stronger coffee flavor. Set 1 cup aside to cool.
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  • Next, in a large glass bowl add the remaining whipping cream. Using a handheld mixer, beat the cream until heavy peaks form. Add in the chocolate mixture and gently fold until well incorporated.
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  • Pour the cooled coffee into a 9x13 inch sheet pan. Take a sheet of matzo and gently dip into the coffee. Take the coffee-soaked matzo and place it on another 9x13 inch sheet pan lined with parchment paper. Top the matzo with about ¼ cup of the chocolate mixture. Repeat the process four more times. End the layering with matzo and top with the reserved chocolate mixture.
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  • Cover the sheet pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Slice and serve the next day.


Lauren Grier Headshot