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Our Favorite Pumpkin Recipes

Treat yourself to one of the greatest seasonal ingredients of all time.

Theresa Gambacorta

Oct 03, 2022

Pumpkins are irresistible. Their orange color complements the cascade of gold, reddish-brown, and purple hues of the changing leaves, and their roundness brings out the kid in all of us: a blank slate to carve, putting us in touch with our creativity and the thrill of everything "spooky." But what we love most about pumpkins is eating them!

Our favorite savory and sweet pumpkin recipes run the gamut from creamy soup to crunchy toasted pumpkin seeds for salads. Have you ever added spiced pumpkin butter to coffees, smoothies, cakes, cookies, and muffins? Well, you should. Go do it now! We'll wait. And who can forget our favorite pumpkin treat of all: the comforting goodness of a wedge of pumpkin pie, rife with the season's warm spices, such as cinnamon, clove, ginger, and nutmeg.

We're pump-ing our fists for these 10 pumpkin recipes, each an expression of this heartwarming and delicious fall treasure.

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