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Easy Sparkling Pineapple Cocktail Recipe

Raise a glass with this tropical thirst quencher.

Kellie Hemmerly

Mar 18, 2024

Flowers are popping up everywhere and I couldn’t be more ready for summer. I have big plans to entertain my friends and family this year with outdoor parties overflowing with festive drinks. This sparkling pineapple cocktail will be on repeat all season long. It’s made with fresh pineapple, mint, and lime muddled together then topped with a splash of rum and sparkling wine. The flavor is amazing and perfectly refreshing.

It’s easy to make too, so you’re not playing bartender all night long. Set up a bar area with the ingredients ready to go, so guests can make their own pineapple cocktails as strong or as sweet as they like.

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Sparkling Pineapple Cocktail
Sparkling Pineapple Cocktail
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PREP TIME: 10 minutesTOTAL TIME: 10 minutes
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  • 1 cup fresh pineapple (finely diced )
  • 12-14 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 teaspoons superfine sugar or simple syrup
  • 2 ounces pineapple juice
  • 2 ounces lime juice (fresh)
  • 4 ounces white rum
  • 1 bottle sparkling wine


  • Place 1/4 cup of pineapple, 3-4 mint leaves, 1/2 teaspoon sugar (or simple syrup), 1/2 ounce pineapple juice, and 1/2 ounce of lime juice in the bottom of a Champagne glass.
  • 2
  • Using a muddler, crush the pineapple and mint to release the oils. Stir in 1 ounce of rum.
  • 3
  • Top with sparkling wine until glass is filled.

  • 4
  • Garnish with pineapple, lime and fresh mint leaves, if desired.
  • 5
  • Repeat with remaining glasses.