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Sweet Cherry Jubilee Flambé Recipe

Fire up dessert tonight.

Autumn Micketti

Aug 24, 2023

If you need a simple yet gourmet dessert for your next gathering, you're in the right place. If you're not in the right place, then you probably took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

This sweet cherry jubilee flambé recipe mixes juicy Harry & David cherries with currant jelly and lemon, before it's topped with brandy and lit on fire. Desserts for a crowd don't often wow like this one does. It's a sensational treat everyone will enjoy.

Sweet Cherry Jubilee Flambé
Sweet Cherry Jubilee Flambé
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PREP TIME: 10 minutesCOOK TIME: 15 minutesTOTAL TIME: 25 minutes
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  • 1 ½ cups cherry juice
  • 1 ½ tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons currant jelly
  • 1 slice lemon
  • 2 cups dark sweet cherries
  • 2 tablespoons brandy
  • 1 quart vanilla ice cream


  • Blend cherry juice with cornstarch in a chafing dish or shallow pan.
  • 2
  • Add jelly and lemon.
  • 3
  • Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sauce is thickened.
  • 4
  • Add cherries and heat thoroughly. If you use a pan, pour the mixture into a heated serving dish.
  • 5
  • Pour over the hot cherries and carefully light with a match. Let the flame burn down and immediately pour the sauce over ice cream and serve.


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